**NB! The latest Java 8 development environment (8u231) might result in "Malformed argument has embedded quote" notice when building / running projects.** To fix the issue, you might want to ensure that the JDK you have install predates that version (so 8u221 or earlier).
You may put to all fields, which you don't know the input for, for example "Lolled Corporation Ltd" Note, you will have to create yourself an Oracle-account, which requires a name of the company. (Older versions than 8u221 should work, too). Once you've downloaded the file, install it on your computer. It is very likely you are using 64-bit version of Windows, hence download the file jdk-8u221-windows-圆4.exe. If you want to use the latest JDK, you can also append "=true" to the default_options in "tmcbeans/etc/nf" (in the folder where you have installed tmcbeans).ĭownload the Java 8 development environment (Java SE Development Kit 8u221) from address. To fix the issue, you might want to ensure that the JDK you have install predates that version (so 8u221 or earlier). NB! The latest Java 8 development environment (8u231) might result in "Malformed argument has embedded quote" notice when building / running projects. You will have to install both Java and NetBeans TMC-environment.